Blog & Show

Multitasking Impacts Situational Awareness
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a live demonstration may be worth ten thousand words. In a recent situational awareness and decision making

A Walking PAR Can Improve Situational Awareness
Personnel Accountability Reports (PARs) are essential to helping commanders develop and maintain situational awareness. A quality PAR dials the commander into every crew’s size, their

Leadership means… Leading!
On November 24, 2011 I wrote an article here on Situational Awareness Matters titled Defensive Decision Making. In that article I made the following statement:

Situational Awareness Starts with the Size-Up
During my fireground situational awareness classes we talk about the process for making high-stress, high consequence decisions. The first step in this process is performing

Radio Discipline
A frequent contributing factor in firefighter casualty incidents is too much radio traffic. This can have a significant impact on first responder situational awareness because

The Comfortable Routine of Complacency
We all know we have habits. Some of them are good habits. And some of them are…well… not so good. The less often talked about