Blog & Show
Ignoring the Signs of Danger
A lesson on situational awareness: The tones drop for a reported residential fire. On the way to the call, dispatch reports multiple calls, confirming a
Penalties and Discipline Will Not Improve Safety
I read with great interest (and concern) an article recently published about how the San Francisco Fire Department is being fined $21,000 by state investigators
Flawed Expectations of Personnel Can Impact Situational Awareness
You develop situational awareness by using your senses to capture information (Level 1 situational awareness). Those clues and cues are then processed into understanding (Level
How Could They Be So Stupid?
Recently I was having a conversation with a fire commander who shared the following experience. He stopped by one of the stations for a visit
Flawed Situational Awareness at Structure Fires
How significant (or stated another way… “How big a deal”) is flawed situational awareness as a contributing factor to firefighter near-miss events at structure fires?
Mayday Radio Channel
I recently was contacted by a fire officer asking whether their mayday procedure should include a provision for a dedicated mayday channel for the distressed