Thank you to all the positive feedback I have received from so many listeners to the SAMatters Radio podcast. The show, which launched on May 2, 2014 has received over 30,000 downloads. I am completely humbled by that.
The primary mission of the show is to give voice to those individuals who have experienced a close call or near miss. The reports you can read on websites like the Firefighter Near Miss Reporting System and Firefighter Close Calls are great resources and I use them often to improve my understanding of what causes firefighters to get hurt and killed.
The purpose of my show is not to compete with these outstanding resources, rather it is to compliment their hard work. During my travels I have spoken with dozens of firefighters who have shared with me their near-miss stories. These stories have, quite literally taken my breath away. Some made me cry, right there on the spot, sometimes in front of an entire classroom full of students. Their stories also left me with many questions about why and how things unfolded the way they did.
For the longest time I thought these people needed to be heard. They have a story to tell and many of them want others to know what happened to them and what they learned from it. This inspired me to think of how I could give them a voice.
Then it came to me. A podcast would give these heroes a voice. The listeners could here their story… in their voice. During the interviews I occasionally ask questions. Some of those questions are tough. I want to dig deep into understanding how great firefighters, with massive amounts of training and experience could have things go so horribly wrong.
And I want them to become the teachers. I have not been disappointed. They are sharing AMAZING lessons. And they’re not holding back anything.
You can CLICK HERE to see a listing of episodes. You can subscribe to the show on iTunes or Stitcher Radio or you can listen to them right on the SAMatters website.

In December, Midwest Fire ( signed on to be the sponsor of the podcast for the entire year of 2015.
In the fall of 2014 I had an opportunity to visit the Midwest Fire factory. At that time we were in discussions about them sponsoring the SAMatters Radio show and before I would commit I needed to see, first hand, their facility and determine for myself if the quality of their fire trucks met my high standards. I’m kind of funny that way. I don’t want my name being attached to any product that is less than superior in quality and craftsmanship.
Yep, they’ve got it going on there at Midwest Fire. The staff at the factory was very impressive. They have VERY high standards for quality. Most of their employees have been with the company for a very long time. I can tell you this too… Midwest Fire… takes care of their employees and, for me that is HUGE.
It speaks volumes about their internal commitment and that, in turn, shows in the quality of the trucks they build. If you’re thinking about buying a new engine, mini pumper or pumper-tanker, check them out.
The mission of Situational Awareness Matters is simple: Help first responders see the bad things coming… in time to change the outcome.
Safety begins with SA!
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Phone: 612-548-4424
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