Thanks to everyone who got connected with me at the 2014 Fire Department Instructor’s Conference in Indianapolis last week. The conference and all the programs were amazing (as always).
I am grateful to Bobby Halton, Diane Rothschild, Cindy Huse, Tommy Grigg, Marla Patterson and the entire Fire Engineering/PennWell team for the opportunity to contribute.
The program delivered this year was a new offering of the situational awareness message.
Situational Awareness Barriers Lightening Round
I am sure many instructors find it challenging to present their topics in the 1.75 hour time slot allotment. I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and delivered a “Lightening Round” of thirty situational awareness barriers. This is unlike any program I’ve ever delivered. Normally, it would take a full-day to introduce, describe and discuss this many barriers and the program would include best practices to manage the challenges each barrier creates.
Here, instead, I delivered a high-level introduction to each of the thirty barriers and explained how to impact a first responder’s ability to perceive what is happening, understand the meaning of what is happening, or prohibit the ability to make accurate predictions of future events (in time, of course, to prevent bad outcomes). CLICK HERE to view the handout from the program. (Unfortunately, the full PowerPoint presentation is too large to upload on my website). The feedback was very positive and I was encouraged by the number of attendees who stayed after to talk with me. Thankfully, I was the last program of the day in the room so we could hang out for a while and chat.
Fire Engineering Books and Videos Book Signing
Two book signings were conducted during FDIC. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to buy a book or simply to visit and get caught up on things. I was truly blown away by the overwhelmingly positive feedback received on the book and the live programs.
Midwest Fire Program Give Away
Thank you to Midwest Fire for sponsoring a full-day safety program giveaway. This was an awesome way for Midwest Fire to demonstrate to the fire service community that, in addition to building great
fire apparatus, they are genuinely interested in improving the safety of firefighters. Watch the Midwest Fire website for the announcement of the winner. While you’re there, check out their line of engines, tankers and fast attack apparatus.
I had an opportunity to spend some time with my friends from SimsUshare. Dr. Jonathan Kaye and Jim Murphy sponsored a meet-and-greet that included an opportunity to win signed copies of the Situational Awareness for Emergency Response book (PennWell Publishing).
FoxFury Lighting Solutions
Thank you to Marketing Director Antonio Gugini and Multimedia Specialist Rusty Spencer for helping me shoot some situational awareness promotional videos from the show floor of FDIC. They turned out great and I really appreciate FoxFury Lighting Solutions for supporting Situational Awareness Matters! Your mission to provide products that improve firefighter safety aligns with the SAMatters mission. Here’s one of the videos they shot for me.